Nobody touch the DOG

But only all togheter! We can do something to stop this cruelty. In these photo gallery we want to show the contrast between some usual dogs pictures and what it’s happening in some China regions.

Hiding avoiding these pictures show, it does not help to solve the problem. Pretending that these events do not happen does not help to be aware of the issues involved, that deserve international significance. We apologize in advance if our content, will go to hurt the feelings of someone.

We are fighting to try to solve this problem at the origin, and it is for this reason that we turn to President José Manuel Barroso and President Barack Obama to ask why the Chinese government to end the slaughter of dogs in China, with a law that prohibits torture and the consumption of dog meat in China.

We are not against the Chinese people and we’ll not accept and promote any form of racism against any race, nation or religion.

We firmly believe that the majority of Chinese people is on our side and together us want to support our campaign, “Nobody touch the DOG“.

ATTENTION: some of images and video puplished on this page, due to images’ cruelties are reserved to an adult audience.


Nobody touch the DOG

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