Hayley Metlege

Hayley  & Cooper

Sono nata a Sydney, Australia. Sono un  agente immobiliare con lizenza nella periferia sud di Sydney. Fintanto che ho avuto poco tempo fa mio figlio Jackson, ho sempre avuto un grande desiderio e passione di concentrarmi sul benessere e la difesa degli animali qui in Australia e in tutto il mondo.
- Crescere con gli animali ha formato la persona che sono oggi e sogno di far conoscere gli animali alle persone che non hanno mai avuto l’opportunità di possedere, curare o vivere con animali.
- Possiedo 2 gatti, Tiana e Missy e un cane Cooper. Sono amati profondamente e saranno sempre visti come membri della nostra famiglia.
- La gente spesso mi chiede perché io amo gli animali così tanto. E’ molto semplice, un rapporto con un animale è la più pura delle relazioni realizzabile. Non mi sono mai sentito giudicata, indesiderata o addirittura ferita da un animale.



  • Lavinia Rojas

    Dear Hayey. Are u the one who have a petition “No one touch the cat”? If so, I would like to ask your permission to run your petition in YOUSIGN.org The reason is because it is th e only org that offers to contact groups. I can contact 40 plus groups in two minutes.

    Hope to hear from you asap

    Lavinia Rojas

    16 June 2014 - at 01:08 Reply
    • sbarbesta

      Dear Lavinia,
      thank you for your enquiry. Hayley wrote the petition “Nobody touch the Cat” in AnimalsTrust behalf. We prefer to keep this petition on Causes.com, where we already got more than 33,000 signatures, to avoid the dispersion of the votes on different platforms. In any case it’ll be great if you can push the original petition link and the following post.
      Thank you.

      We started on thursday 29 May ’14 with a new International petition: “Nobody touch the Cat” http://qr2.co/02fz6w8
      We got 33,000 signatures in less than 4 months, really an incredible beginning. Thank you!
      We ask Chinese government to enact a law prohibiting the trade and consumption of cat meat all over China.
      We’ll don’t stop till we’ll reach our aim!

      Yes we can, we can Stop them, but just all together.
      Please join even to our dedicated Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/nessunotocchiilgatto/ and give a like to our FB official page: https://www.facebook.com/animalstrust to give us more strength and more International weight. Thank you!
      Thank you for signing and sharing it.

      Follow us even on Twitter: https://twitter.com/animalstrust

      http://www.animalstrust.org – the animals’ voice!

      13 November 2014 - at 11:07 Reply
  • Alfred Oseur Kipelian

    It’s a Kenyan ambassador writing.
    Thank you for what you do Hayley.

    12 November 2014 - at 05:27 Reply

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