Alfred Oseur Kipelian

Alfred Oseur Kipelian

Sono nato in Kenya, il cuore e la culla di tutti gli animali. Io sono un amante degli Animali e ho dato la mia vita per loro. Provengo anche da una famiglia che ha allevato bestiame. Ho lavorato come guida turistica nella riserva nazionale “Masaai Mara”, come volontario all’interno del progetto “Save the elephants” con il sogno di avviare un’organizzazione no profit per bloccare il bracconaggio dei nostri magnifici animali e la distruzione delle foreste sia in Mara che in Loita.

Ho voluto soddisfare un desiderio di concentrarmi sul benessere degli Animali qui in Kenya e in tutto il mondo.
Crescere insieme agli animali ha definito la persona che sono oggi, e sogno di insegnare tutta la mia esperienza con gli Animali a tutte le persone che non hanno mai avuto l’opportunità di possedere, curare o vivere con gli animali.

Ottengo la maggior parte degli animali di lavorare al loro fianco. Elefanti e rinoceronti. Sono profondamente amato e non saranno mai visti come qualcosa di meno di uno di loro famiglia. La gente spesso mi chiede perché amo questo magnifico animali così tanto. E’ semplice, un rapporto con un Animale è il più puro dei rapporti realizzabili e degli animali deve essere data loro diritti e il desiderio mi sono mai sentito giudicato, indesiderato o addirittura ferito dagli animali.
Mi congratulo con Sergio, il fondatore di AnimalsTrust, per far crescere questa organizzazione. E’ meraviglioso per salvare i nostri magnifici animali ed i nostri animali domestici dal massacro.
Per tutta la mia vita ho combattuto ed ho sempre detto NO … NO … NO al Bracconaggio !!
L’occhio che ascolta, Ascolta e ferma i nostri animali dal massacro.
Alfredo, Sergio e altri amanti degli Animali hanno sentito le grida degli animali sterminati, feriti ed uccisi, e sentiamo il loro dolore. Stop! Stop! Stop! Se questo significa perdere la mia vita come Alfred, sono pronto a farlo. Dico questo e se qualcuno non vuole che lo dica, sono pronto a ritornare di nuovo nel seno di mia madre. Sono addolorato e triste per tutti coloro che non amano e e non riconoscono a queste creature innocenti i loro diritti. Amo il Kenya come fosse mio padre, e mia madre ed i suoi Animali.


  • Mike Langat

    I solute you Sir. Continue with same spirit God will reward you int urn.

    22 October 2014 - at 16:50 Reply
  • Chalz Snipper

    That is great mr.Alfred.-continue airing the voice of these magnificent animals,they are our heritage.I do support you by praying that all these animals be well protected by everybody.Poaching must be stopped at whatever cost.
    Thanks mr.Alfred .

    4 November 2014 - at 08:46 Reply
  • Alfred Oseur Kipelian

    Director of Programs: Mar Loita Ranger Association Group I am passion for Kenya
    and wildlife were nurtured by exposure to a series of pioneering conservationists beginning with my father.
    Moses Ole Kipelian , known to most as the best tour guide Upon Kenya’s independence, he became a
    warden for the Kenyan government. During the ivory crisis in the 1970’s -1980’s, Moses started the
    National Anti-poaching Unit to address the growing problem of poaching nationwide. The National Anti-
    poaching Unit consisting of over 300 rangers was quite effective in identifying, arresting and providing
    evidence for the prosecution of high-profile ivory smugglers who were ravishing Kenya’s elephant
    populations. For security purposes, rangers were also stationed with Kipelian’s family. Like most young
    boys, I was equally fascinated with the ranger’s uniforms and weapons as well as the wildlife they were
    out in the bush trying to protect. My family traveled frequently to remote parts of Kenya and with I had
    many close encounters both with wildlife and with the perils of trying to domesticate wild animals. It was
    through the exposure of my fathers’ work, the rangers he met along the way, and the many adventures
    throughout Kenya that made me an ideal candidate to work in wildlife conservation. After a gap year spent
    in the Naimina Enkiyo forest tracking endangered elephants for conservationists with Colin Church, I
    headed to Maasai Mara university in Kenya to study environmental sciences. Maasai Mara encouraged
    students to do independent fieldwork; I was fortunate enough to secure an apprenticeship with the
    renowned conservationist, Dr. Richard Leakey, to develop sustainable woodlot cycles in the Taita area in
    Kenya. I then returned to Aberdare to work again with Mike Prettejohn establishing wildlife clubs along
    with the curriculum for park adjacent communities. After graduation,I dedicated myself to several
    management roles with various conservancies in Kenya. In these positions, I developed a wide range of
    knowledge and skill in security, infrastructural developments, wildlife management, monitoring and
    coordinating community research projects, and public relations. I grew up in the shadows of many great
    wildlife conservationists, and has since made my mark most recently in the Maasai Mara region of Kenya.
    In 2011, while working as a ranger and the tour guide at the Mara North Conservancy and Loita to
    Tanzania, I was assigned to a new wildlife conservation project sponsored by the Narok County
    Foundation. My role was to defence and to guide the Rapid Response Unit’s on-the-ground patrols and
    anti-poaching division among other conservation initiatives. The Narok County was able to raise a little
    funds in 2013 to bring Alfred on full-time as Director of Programs for MLRAG. My is optimistic but
    acknowledges the challenges of doing this type of work, “The single biggest threat I have to the elephants
    of the Mara and Loita is poaching. In 2012 we arrested 40 elephant poachers and middlemen and in 2013
    we arrested 70. I am still loosing over 100 elephants a year to poaching and we need to eliminate this
    first.” So what is the best part of his job? According to me, “I love being outdoors and in wild places. The
    Mara and Loita the surrounding ecosystems is, in my view, one of the most beautiful spots on earth. I also
    really enjoy working with the rangers. Knowing each ranger well and our camaraderie built by training
    together, sitting in ambush for hours or days, the excitement during a bust, rescuing a baby elephant etc.
    – [that] is what it is all about to me.” Like many of those that studied under great conservationists
    Alfred’s ambitions and vision for the Mara Elephant Project is grand; he hopes to broaden the current
    ranger patrol coverage in the Mara offering continuous security to roaming elephants in the region. He has
    great interest in the science and data generated from the collared elephants and wants more elephants to
    be apart of our tracking and monitoring program to further our understanding of where elephants roam. I
    also plans to advance MLRAG intelligence systems to better infiltrate poaching circles to help eliminate
    wildlife crime. He wants to combine the best practices and use of innovative technology, scientific research
    and military style intelligence networks as well as field maneuvers to prevent, respond and effectively stop
    elephant poaching. In my downtime, I can be found going on long walks with my troup and their hound
    dogs, exploring new places like hidden glades in a forest or simply sitting under an ancient tree. we enjoys
    fly-fishing, reading Flashman novels, sundowners, watching movies and most recently – taking advantage
    of my newly acquired pilots license! Since the inception of the MLRAG, hundreds of African elephant’s lives
    have been saved and over 100 poachers have been arrested largely due to my leadership, oversight and
    dedication to the project and to Kenya’s wildlife. my greatest hope for MLRAG is to secure and revive the
    elephant populations of the Rift Valley Province and their habitats. I and my team are working tirelessly at
    doing just that – one elephant at a time.

    12 November 2014 - at 11:07 Reply

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